时间:2018-05-19 23:58:49 来源:TRIBE有机餐厅作者:果汁点击:
Hey Fam,
If you spend a lot of time on Instagram, chances are that you might come across a lot of celebrities posting pictures of them having a cup of cold pressed juice after a yoga practice or going on a juice cleansing in Bali Island. Back in the real world, there are a lot of cold pressed juice bars around. And the cold drinks display in the supermarket has been taken over by a rainbow of cold pressed juices.The question is: which one is better, the fresh squeezed juice or the bottled cold pressed juice? Is the fresh squeezed more nutritious because it is "fresh"? This week, we will explore the science behind these two juicing methods.
Compared to cold press juicer, the centrifugal juice extractor is the most common type of juicer. You might even have one in your cupboard. Centrifugal juice extractors utilize a fast spinning metal blade to separate the juice from flesh. It seems to be efficient, as it could make a glass of juice in less than one minute. Yet you may find the centrifugal juice extractor actually damages the nutrients in fresh fruit and vegetables, if you have noticed the heat and the foam on top of the juice. The problem with centrifugal juicers is that the fast-spinning metal blade generates heat, which oxidizes those nutrients, and destroys some of the enzymes in the fruits and vegetables you’re juicing. The blade also breaks the plant cell wall, and consequently kills cells, leading the nutrients to break down faster. The reason why fresh juice is best served within 15 minutes? Because the nutrients are getting less and less after the first 15 minutes.
Now let’s take a look back at the cold press juicers. These juicers extract juice by first crushing and then pressing fruit and vegetables for the highest juice yield. Because they don’t produce as much heat, they keep more of the fresh ingredients’ nutrients and enzymes intact. Enzymes are very important to the human body, as almost all metabolic processes in the cell need enzyme catalysis in order to occur at rates fast enough to sustain life. At the same time, a cold press juicer will produce less pulp, and thus make the juice easier to be digested. Cold-pressed juice preserves valuable enzymes and vitamins for up to two or three days, so it is a real fresh juice, and a juice with a long shelf life.
As a frequent visitor of TRIBE, you might have noticed those bottles of juice in our cold drinks display. Each time you order a fresh juice, instead of having a freshly made juice, you will be served with a glass of juice poured directly from the bottles. “Is that juice fresh, and nutritious?” Well, the answer is yes. It is the right nutritious juice even though we are not making it right in front of you. Because it usually takes a lot more time to prepare the fruit and vegetables using a cold press juicer than using a centrifugal juice extractor, we will have to make some amount of juice in advance. So a glass of cold pressed juice could be served right away if ordered by a most thirsty fam member in the summer time. Please be assured that even though the cold pressed juice remains fresh for three days or even longer, we only serve newly made juice on that day.
Good Vibes Juice
Purple Grapes, Red Dragonfruit, Rasperries, Orange, Pear, Lemon, Ginger
Green Energy
Kale, Parsley, Cucumber, Celery, appel, Lemon
Deeper Than Detox Juice
Hami Melon, Papaya, Cabbage, Lemon, Turmeric
Fresh Cucumber & Mint Lemonade
Mint, Honey, Cucumber, Lemon
Vitamin C Me
Orange, Pineapple, Grapefruit, Lemon, Ginger
Centrifugal juice extractors are enough for daily home use. They are cheap, and they producejuices far more healthy and fresh than juice that's been packaged in cartons (which is full of additives). But if you want to get the maximum nutrients, please come to TRIBE for a cold pressed juice or order a take-away. A friendly reminder: cold pressed juice, as much nutritious and tasty as it is, should not be used as a meal replacement over a long period of time.
好消息!从即日起,点餐时向我们的吧台服务人员出示这篇文章享受冷压果汁9折优惠哦! (不能和店内其他促销活动同时使用)
Good news! Show this page to our bar staff and get 10% off on cold pressed juices as of today! (not to be used with other promotions)
Yours Organically,
TRIBE Sanlitun
TRIBE Solana
TRIBE WF Central
TRIBE Shanghai
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